Who Let Who Let the Dogs Out Out


"Artist Ben Sisto is the world's leading expert on "Who Let the Dogs Out," as evidenced by his collection of over 250 pieces of memorabilia and artifacts. In this multimedia presentation, he tells the stories of musicians, lawyers and fans from all around the world, shining a light on the origins of that catchy pop abomination you're ashamed you can't stop yourself from singing along to." - Time Out New York


Live Shows and Museum Installations

07.31.18 - The Bell House, Brooklyn, NY (talk + museum)
07.20.18 - Miranda, Shoreditch, London, UK
05.16.18 - Barboza, Seattle, WA
05.01.18 - Ace Hotel Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
04.11.18 - Massachusetts Collect of Art, Boston, MA
04.03.18 - Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
04.11.18 - Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA
11.14.17 - Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
11.13.17 - Yale University, New Haven, CT
11.12.17 - AS200, Providence, RI
11.10.17 - University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
11.07.17 - PhilaMoCA, Philadelphia, PA (talk + museum)
11.06.17 - PhilaMoCA, Philadelphia, PA (talk + museum)
11.05.17 - Ace Hotel New York, New York City, NY
11.03.17 - Ace Hotel Chicago, Chicago, IL
09.27.17 - SUNY Purchase College, Purchase, NY
08.15.17 - New Inc Retreat, Garrison, NY
03.20.17 - King's College, London, UK
02.28.17 - Spring/Break Art Show, curated by Jac LeHav, New York City, NY (museum, DJ sets)
12.01.14 - Presentation Party Night, Brooklyn, NY
04.23.13 - Collector's Night, Brooklyn Brewery, Brooklyn, NY (museum)
04.09.13 - New York Law School, New York, NY
04.04.13 - FAT GOLD at Eyebeam, New York, NY
05.12.12 - Public Assembly, Brooklyn, NY
03.10.11 - Galapagos Art Space, Brooklyn, NY
02.10.11 - Coco 66, Brooklyn, NY
12.12.10 - Oberon Theatre, Boston, MA
??.??.?? - Students for Free Culture Day, New York University, NY


Select Screenings

06.19.20 - Doc Edge Film Fest, New Zealand
02.28.20 - Al Whittle Theatre, Nova Scotia
01.25.20 - Reel Music Film Festival, Portland, OR
12.19.19 - Films That Made Music: Who Let the Dogs Out, Hopewell, NJ
11.19.19 - Saskatoon Fantastic Film Festival, Saskatoon, SK
11.14.19 - Sound Unseen Festival 2019, Minneapolis, MI
11.13.19 - Sun-Ray Cinema, Jacksonville, Florida
10.29.19 - The In-Edit Documentary Film Festival, Barcelona, Spain
10.25.19 - Forest City Film Festival, London, ON, Canada
10.21.19 - The Milwaukee Film Festival, Milwaukee, WI (and 10.27, 10.28)
10.07.19 - Hurricane Dorian Relief Benefit (Alamo Drafthouse, Brooklyn, Oct 7, 2019)
08.29.19 - Soundtrack Cologne, Germany (Official Selection, Best Doc Feature)
06.08.19 - deadCenter Film Festival 2019, Oklahoma City
05.20.19 - Maryland Film Festival 2019 (Baltimore)
05.17.19 - Seattle International Film Festival (Seattle, WA)
05.13.19 - Everyman Film Festival 2019 / U.K. Premiere (London)
05.11.19 - NorthwestFest 2019 (Edmonton)
05.10.19 - DOXA 2019 (Vancouver)
05.02.19 - Hot Docs 2019 (Toronto; 2nd Runner Up Audience Award)
04.25.19 - CUFF 2019 (Calgary; Jury Award)
03.09.19 - SXSW 2019 / World Premiere (Austin, TX)


Select Interviews, Podcasts, and Radio

07.28.20 - The Speed of Sound podcast with Steve Greenberg (segment)
06.08.20 - Razzball Podcast (subscribers only)
05.03.20 - The podcasts solving life’s little mysteries (The Guardian)
02.28.20 - The Hard Drive With 68 Billion Melodies, The Atlantic (quoted)
02.11.20 - 99% Invisible: Whomst Among Us Let the Dogs Out
06.11.19 - TVO: OnDocs Podcast
04.26.19 - CBC Radio (Canada), April 2019
04.11.18 - 5 Questions w/ Boston Hassle
11.??.18 - The History of a Hook, UVA Open Grounds blog
11.02.17 - Ace Hotel Chicago, Chicago, IL (DJ set)
10.31.17 - FOF #2547 – Who Really Let the Dogs Out?, Feast of Fun Podcast
10.16.17 - Ben Sisto: Who Let the Dogs Out, AS220 Blog
04.11.17 - The Museum of Who Let the Dogs Out, The Jeff Rubin Jeff Rubin Show
04.16.17 - The Lot Radio, Brooklyn, NY (DJ set)
04.09.17 - The Lot Radio, Brooklyn, NY (DJ set)
09.26.15 - Little Water Radio, New York City, NY (DJ set)
09.30.15 - An Interview with Artist Ben Sisto, Hazlit


Museum of Who Let Who Let the Dogs Out Out
The museum has moved over here.

Museum of Who Let Who Let the Dogs Out Out, Spring/Break Art Show installation

“In short, untangling who, exactly, was actually responsible for letting the dogs out and for crafting lines like “A doggy is nuttin’ if he don’t have a bone / Oh doggy, hold ya bone, oh doggy hold it” has tied up our courts and ruined our relationships for years. And now the connective threads of that mystery will be laid bare in Sisto’s collection of ephemera, which includes everything from versions of “Who Let The Dogs Out?” performed by The Simpsons and Crazy Frog, to classic records by George Clinton and Kraftwerk that Sisto believes to be clear influences on these dogs and the way they were let out. - A/V Club